I love this quote I saw on Tobi Fairley's blog about finding a coach.
We have just begun our Winter Session of the Right Start (QuickBooks & Quoting with Vickie Ayres) and Studio Coaching Programs. My Novice group is really excited about learning and willing to put the time and effort in to achieve their goals. You can have the best coach or mentor in the industry and still fall short if you're not willing to invest your time as well as your money. We do everything we can to motivate, encourage and assist, but in the end, it's up to the individual. Are you ready to wake up and make those dreams come true?
If taking your Studio skills to the next level is one of your goals, why not join us next week for the six week session; our Advanced group starts Thursday, January 19 at 1 PM Eastern and there's room for a few more designers. For more information, click here: